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Parents' Page

Welcome to Sigma Sigma Rho’s Parent Informational Guide. We are pleased that you have taken the time and initiative to learn more about Greek organizations and particularly our sorority. College is an exciting and ever challenging time in both yours and your daughter’s life. We hope your daughter will consider membership in our organization!


What is a Greek organization and what is its purpose?


Derived from the Latin word “soror” meaning “sister,” a sorority is an all female initiatory organization where membership is considered as a lifetime gift. Names of North American fraternities and sororities generally consist of two or three Greek letters. The main thought behind the use of Greek letters is that the fraternities and sororities have a Hellenic way of thinking named hellinism. Hellinism is defined as a body of humanistic and classical ideals associated with ancient Greece and including reason, the pursuit of knowledge and the arts, moderation, civic responsibility, and bodily development. 

While each organization has its own sets of values and ideals, the purpose of the Greek community is to complement a student’s academic experience. Community service, networking, fundraising, event planning and cultural awareness are all part of the experience that makes current students our future leaders. In particular, Sigma Sigma Rho’s purpose is to promote awareness of the South Asian culture in our community while encompassing three fundamental principles of Sisterhood, Society, and Remembrance. The sisters of Sigma Sigma Rho provide guidance, support and experience for each other, helping pave the road to a successful future in academic, personal and career goals and achievements. This sisterhood provides a network of support for individuals aspiring to become experienced leaders in their community.


How will my daughter benefit from a sorority?


College can be a challenging and strenuous time in your daughter’s life. Joining a sorority will help make the transition from high school to college easier. The sorority experience is multifaceted and will open many doors for your daughter. In addition to fulfilling requirements meant to enhace leadership skills, your daughter will make lifelong friends with members of the organization. By being a part of this sisterhood, your daughter will create bonds with other young women who share similar values and goals. Members say that they have found a family within our sisterhood, and have created some of their most precious memories while being an active part of their chapter. Involvement in our sisterhood fosters academic excellence, student involvement on campus, community service, and life-long relationships with sisters. Our sisterhood also promotes networking, and encourages each member to maximize their potential and become a well-rounded student.


Is there a GPA requirement?


Yes. Sigma Sigma Rho is a collegiate organization, meaning that membership is directly tied to college enrollment and performance. We stress that Greek life is an extra-curricular activity, and membership in a Greek organization should only enhance one’s academic experience, not hinder it. Nationally, Sigma Sigma Rho requires a minimum of a 2.5 GPA to be considered for membership and to stay active within the organization. Please note that this is just our bare minimum requirement and a vast majority of our members proudly excel beyond this standard.


Will the sorority compromise my daughter’s academic performance?


While being a member of a sorority comes with its time commitments, one of the core values of Greek organizations is academic excellence. One of the key lessons learned through our new member education process is time management: learning how to balance academic life, social life, and community service to make the most out of a student’s four years in college. Chapters and colonies implement study hours, perform routine grade checks and offer assistance through tutoring to ensure that members are performing well academically. Your daughter can also access the network of members who already know how to use campus resources like the library, study skills center, computer labs, and academic advisors. Nothing, however, can take the place of a disciplined and academically focused student to ensure success in college. To reward scholastic achievements, individual chapters offer gift certificates for textbooks, monetary prizes and certificates of recognition to members who are exemplary in academic achievement.


I have heard that alcohol and drugs are commonly abused in Greek organizations. Is this true with your organization?


Absolutely not. Unfortunately, individuals without complete information often define the image of Greek life. Since only 2% of the U.S. population is Greek, most people don’t have first-hand experience and stereotypes are the norm. While Sigma Sigma Rho is a social organization, alcohol and other recreational drugs are strictly prohibited from any sorority sponsored event. There are strict guidelines and procedures concerning the availability of alcohol at chapter events, and these rules are enforced by our national executive board, the University, and by internal chapter standards. We do not promote the use of alcohol or drugs and in particular condone underage drinking. Members of the organization may never force or pressure another to consume alcoholic beverages or use any other drugs. We strive to provide a safe and protected environment for our members, and encourage them to make smart personal decisions that will not harm their health and wellbeing.


Does hazing/ragging take place in your organization?


All new fraternity and sorority members experience a period of orientation. During this time, your daughter and other new members will participate in weekly meetings to learn about the sorority’s history, and engage in teambuilding exercises, community service projects, and activities designed to build friendships among new members and initiated members. That being said, Sigma Sigma Rho is a strictly non hazing organization, and will never subject its new members to physical or mental harm, illegal activity, consumption of alcohol or other drugs, or degrading and humiliating acts. Please refer to the Membership: Anti-Hazing Policy for more information.


Is it expensive to be part of your organization?


Every organization comes with its financial responsibilities and we encourage our members to be aware of national and chapter dues before joining. Sigma Sigma Rho quite affordable and dues go to services and events that will positively impact your child. Our national dues are currently $100 per semester and individual chapter dues range from $10-$50 per semester. Our chapters provide payment plans that can be arranged to reduce and ease the financial obligation. We also strive to be active in our fundraising efforts to raise a portion of funds for membership dues to further lessen your monetary contribution.


What is my role as a parent?


Be supportive and learn as much as you can by asking questions of your daughter as she meets people through the recruitment/intake process. Encourage and support your child. Our members will be more than happy to tell her and you about our sorority. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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